10 Alien Encounters and Abduction Stories

Nisha Naik
Sep 07, 2018
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  Alien abduction stories have been around for a long time. These stories have ranged from mildly peculiar to downright disturbing and in some cases disgusting. Please take note that we are not taking any stance on the truthfulness of these strange stories. True or not, the stories we are about to share are fascinating and some will surely give you the chills!   1. The Barney and Betty Hill case Image result for The Barney and Betty Hill case Barney and Betty Hill were driving back from a holiday in Niagara Falls in September 1961. They noticed a light in the sky which got closer, eventually appearing as a huge shape hovering above their car. Barney got out and through his binoculars says he saw 11 humanoid figures in shiny black uniforms and capes, watching them.  

Marjorie Fish's interpretation of Betty Hill's purported alien star map, with "Sol" (upper right) being the Latin name for the Sun.

Terrified, the couple drove off. However, they both claim to have experienced a buzzing sensation, and when they finally arrived home at dawn the four-hour journey had taken seven hours. The Hills' clothes were torn in strange places, and Betty found a mysterious pink powder on her dress. She began having intense dreams about the experience, in which skin samples were taken from her and a needle thrust into her navel. Later she drew a star map which she said she had been shown by the aliens. Barney and Betty Hill were respected in their community – Barney was involved in the civil rights movement, and Betty was a social worker. No one had any reason to suspect they were lying.

2. Antônio Vilas Boas

Image result for Antônio Vilas Boas In October 1957, a Brazilian farmer named Antônio Vilas Boas saw a red star in the sky. The light got closer, until Boas could make out a spaceship, which landed on three long legs in his field. He tried to escape on his tractor, but was grabbed by small humanoid with blue eyes. Related image Boas claimed he was taken aboard the ship and covered in a gel-like substance. He was then forced to have intercourse with a female creature with bright red pubic hair, so as to produce a human-alien hybrid to be raised by the aliens. Boas was eventually escorted from the ship, and arrived back on Earth four hours later. He had burns on his body, nausea, legions and headaches, and a doctor diagnosed him as suffering from radiation sickness. Boas later trained to become a lawyer, and stuck to his story his entire life.

3. Travis Walton

Image result for Travis Walton  In November 1975, six forestry workers in Arizona reported seeing their colleague Travis Walton blasted through the air in a beam of light from a UFO above the trees. The workers reported Walton missing, and police suspected he had been murdered by the group who had disposed of his body. Image result for Travis Walton  But five days later Walton reappeared, claiming he had been abducted by aliens. He described waking on a table, surrounded by small figures in orange gowns. Their skin was smooth and chalky, and their bald heads were too large for their bodies. They had huge, shiny brown eyes. Walton escaped from the aliens, and fled through the ship. He eventually met more humans on board, dressed in blue uniforms. They didn't speak to him but forced a gas mask on to his face so he lost consciousness. Walton claims the next thing he remembers was waking up, shaky and confused, on a roadside in Arizona.  

4. Peter Khoury

Related image One night in February 1988, Peter Khoury was asleep in bed when he felt something grab him by the ankles. He experienced pins and needles run through his body and was paralysed. He saw three beings around his bed. They were gold, with slits for mouths and large black eyes. Khoury said he was aware the creatures communicated with telepathy. They inserted a needle into Khoury's head, and he blacked out. After an alien abduction experience, Peter Khoury found himself in possession of alien DNA (a hair sample) which he provided to Bill Chalker for the world's 1st alien PCR DNA test. The results... Khoury's second alien encounter was more disturbing. During this one, female aliens with long white-blonde hair came to his bed, and engaged with him sexually. After the encounter, he found a long blonde hair tied round his penis. Khoury claims that subsequent DNA analysis found the hair was biologically different to human hair, and he is certain his encounter was with extraterrestrial life forms.  

5. Allagash Abductions

Related image In 1976, four friends on a fishing trip noticed a bright light over the water. They canoed out, flashed their flashlight, thinking it was a distress signal, then blacked out. When they woke at their campsite, none had any idea what had happened. Related image Afterwards, all four reported identical nightmares. They saw beings with long heads and necks and insect-like fingers probing their bodies for skin and fluid samples. All the men passed lie detector tests and were determined by psychiatrists to be mentally stable.  

6. Hilary Porter

Image result for Hilary Porter Porter said she's been abducted more times over the course of her life than she can count. She was first taken at 5 years old when she was playing outside. "Suddenly there was a reptilian alien in front of me," Porter told The Mirror. "It had scaly skin, black holes on the nose and a little mouth. Discovered this on my hand after abduction 'nightmares' December 28, 2015

Latest mark to suddenly appear on Hilary - December 28, 2015

It wasn’t tall — maybe 5 feet, but very strong. It grabbed my arms and pulled me towards a disc in a depression in the field. It dragged me underneath into a lift and the door slid closed." Inside, Porter claims the aliens stripped her and forcefully inserted a probe in her body. She said she has a metal implant in her ear to this day.  

7. Jesse Long

Image result for Jesse Long In 1957, five-year-old Jesse Long experienced his first alien abduction, when he was allegedly abducted while playing in a field. Long was supposedly taken into an alien ship and escorted into a metallic room, where he was placed on a table and a object was implanted into his leg. In 1991, the object was removed from Long's leg, and analyzed in an actual laboratory, by real scientists. The results of the testing were … interesting. Apparently, the object removed from his leg had an unusual surface composition and other interesting characteristics that could not easily — or, presumably, cheaply — explained away. This object was allegedly implanted during the first of the many abductions Long would experience in life. During a later abduction, Long claims to have met his alien-human hybrid daughter, who was conceived from sperm harvested during a previous experience. Rather than take the time-tested approach of claiming his out-of-town girlfriend was from Canada, Long put a unique spin on that story, claiming his girlfriend was from another universe. At the very least, Long deserves some credit for his originality.  

8. Jose Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez

Image result for Jose Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez alien abduction In 1954, Jose Ponce and Gustavo Gonzalez were driving their truck on an isolated road outside Caracas, Venezuela. When they turned a corner, a luminescent sphere was blocking their way. More annoyed than scared, Gonzales went out the car to check and investigate. At that point, a hatch opened from the sphere and out came 3 hairy, short humanoids. One of the humanoids jumped on Gonzalez. Gonzales was unable to shake the alien off because it was very strong. The alien was able to throw him 15 feet through the air. Unhurt, Gonzalez was able to draw a knife and tried to stab the humanoid but the knife did not penetrate. Although they were outnumbered by one alien, the beings were intimidated enough to go back to the ship and fly away. The men reported their story to the police.  

9. Voronezh’s Invaders

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Some of the children of Voronezh

This encounter happened in the Voronezh City park on September 27, 1989. Some kids were playing football when suddenly a red disc landed. A 3-eyed figure standing 9 feet tall came out of the disc holding a ray-gun device. The alien used this gun to disintegrate a boy identified as Dmitri. After the alien took off, Dmitri reappeared. Witnesses included kids and a few police officers. The encounter was reported by the New York Times.


10. Betty Andreasson

Image result for Betty Andreasson taken aboard the mother ship On January 25, 1967, homemaker Betty Andreasson and her family were astounded when the electricity in their home suddenly went out and a bright red light shined in through their kitchen window. When the family looked outside, they saw five creatures "hopping" towards their house; the creatures then came straight through the solid wood door and instantly put the entire Andreasson clan into a trance. The aliens were described by Betty and her father as being short and without usual human characteristics, and one of them was clearly the leader. Related image

Drawing by Betty Andreasson Luca of a tall white-haired being who greeted her during one of her many abductions. She called the beings “Elders”.

They communicated only telepathically, and Betty felt calm and unconcerned even while everyone but herself and her father were in a state of suspended animation. Betty was then taken aboard a spacecraft and was given invasive (and sometimes painful) examinations. Roughly four hours later, Betty was returned to her family and the aliens released them all from their trance and hypnotized Betty so that she would forget much about her time on the mother ship. Eight years later, still plagued by the vague memories of her experience, Betty underwent twelve months of extensive psychiatric evaluations and a slew of psychological and medical tests, including regressive hypnosis and polygraphs (lie-detectors). After all was said and done, it was determined that Betty was sane and believed everything about her very vivid alien abduction experience. Her case is one of the most famous UFO abduction cases to date.   References: https://www.ufocasebook.com/andreassonluca.html https://www.ufocasebook.com/Walton.html

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