10 Problems you face if you are an Otaku

Nisha Naik
Sep 11, 2018
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  Well being an Otaku is really tough. What does otaku actually mean? In Japan, the word can be most closely equated to the English word “geek,” but the meaning is not as simple as that. Otaku is also defined in Japan as a word that defines a person who has obsessive interests, and can apply to a wide variety of topics, including anime, manga, cosplay, collectibles and more.

1. When people say that Anime is a cartoon

Image result for hulk hitting loki gif I hear this all the time. Guys please Anime is not at all cartoon. It aches my heart every time when people say this. First of all anime has different story concept and its ending can be sad whereas for cartoon it has happy ending plus it was initially used as model or study for a painting.

2. Waiting for next season

Image result for waiting for next anime season gif When you realize the anime which you were watching doesn't have a second season, so you just have to wait for official announcement or switch to manga. In my case most of the time i have to read manga to know the further story.

 3. Want to learn Japanese

Related image When the new anime episode is finally released which you were waiting for so long and then you realized that there is no sub yet is like a nightmare. All you think is that wished you knew Japanese.

4. When nobody understand your anime references

Related image This totally sucks and it happens to me a lot. I envy when people give Game of thrones references or How i met your mother reference and having fun, even i want that.

5. Need to keep track most of the time

There are so many cool anime and manga that you need to keep track of what anime/manga you watched/read, need to watch/read and the ones you are currently watching/reading.

6. Finding a friend who is also an Otaku

Image result for angel beats high five gif Finding a friend who is an Otaku is really blessing. You can share and give suggestions to each other. Also there would be no awkwardness.

7. Finishing last episode

Image result for when you find a friend who is also an Otaku gif You liked an anime so much you got addicted to it but now you completed watching the final episode so you don't know what else to do. You have to wait and browse for anime worth watching like last one.

8. Making time to watch Anime

Image result for sleepy gif After busy tight schedule you just always plan how many episodes to watch today no matter what the time is or how tired are you.

9. Sticking to the web

Image result for having slow wifi gif Watching Anime means you have to give up cable TV and watch it on web. But its more frustrating when your wifi is too slow that it keeps buffering all the time.

10. When you realize your life can't be a shoujo

Image result for crying over fictional character gif You watch an amazing anime, fall in totally love with the character so much and then you realize you can't have that in real.

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