5 People who claimed to have Time Traveled

Nisha Naik
Oct 09, 2018
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  While the possibility of time travel remains debatable, we have had people who’ve claimed to have traveled to the past, the future, or even parallel universes. But what about real time travelers? Do they exist? That's something you have to decide for yourself, as no time travel stories can be conclusively proven. But there are some convincing stories of people who may have actually traveled through time. Here is the list....

1. Sir Robert Victor Goddard

Image result for Sir Robert Victor Goddard In 1935, a British airman experienced a time slip while flying over Ireland. According to J.H. Brennan, author of Time Travel: A New Perspective, Goddard flew off from a dilapidated airfield in a rain storm, but when he returned, "The torrential rain abruptly changed to bright sunlight. When he looked down he saw the airfield had been completely renovated and was now in use. There were mechanics in blue overalls walking around and four yellow planes parked on the runway. One of these was a model which, for all his aviation experience, he completely failed to recognize." Four years after the event the RAF began to paint their planes yellow. Is this a case of regular old time travel or did Goddard manage to inform the future by his travels? Had Goddard—considered one of the founders of the RAF—simply been confused about his location, as some skeptics suggest? Or had he traveled forward in time? Goddard died in 1987, so we may never know the truth. Unless, of course, he returns from the past to tell us.

2. Al Bielek

Related image In the fall of 1943, the USS Eldridge was allegedly made invisible and teleported from Pennsylvania to Virginia in an incident that came to be known as the Philadelphia Experiment. Of course, the incident never occurred—but that didn’t stop Alfred Bielek from achieving notoriety as Eldridge’s reputed lone survivor. His memories were “buried” until he saw the movie The Philadelphia Experiment in 1988, at which time he “remembered” that he was born in 1916 as Ed Cameron. Image result for Al Bielek in philadelphia experiment project group picture As Cameron, he’d been recruited in 1940 for an alleged Navy Project called Project Rainbow, whose purpose was to figure out how to make ships invisible. For reasons not entirely clear, “black ops” soldiers later sent Cameron through a portal at the Pentagon to Alpha Centauri One, where aliens interrogated him and then “physically regressed” him into one-year-old Al Bielek in 1927. Bialek claimed he later became director of mind control for the Montauk Project, whose members in the ‘80s traveled through a time vortex and changed the outcomes of various wars. When they returned to their own time, they would decide if they’d changed things for the better. If not, they would simply restore the status quo.

3. Andrew Basiago

Related image Seattle attorney Andrew Basiago claims that from the ages 7-12 he was a part of "Project Pegasus," (don't click that link unless you have A LOT of time on your hands) a government program that worked on teleportation and time travel under the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Basiago told the Huffington Post, "They trained children along with adults so they could test the mental and physical effects of time travel on kids. Also, children had an advantage over adults in terms of adapting to the strains of moving between past, present and future." Seattle attorney Andrew Basiago says that when he was a child, he and William Stillings were “chrononauts” in a secret United States government time travel program called Project Pegasus. The purpose of the program was threefold—to protect Earth from threats from space, to establish territorial sovereignty over Mars, and to acclimate Martian humanoids and animals to our presence. Image result for Andrew Basiago The best part of Basiago’s and Stillings’ claim, however, is that one of their fellow time travelers was none other than a 19-year-old Barack Obama, who went by the name “Barry Soetero.” In 1980, the three men and seven other youths from their “Mars training class” at California’s College of the Siskiyous (a real institution) traveled to Mars via a top-secret teleportation “jump room” modeled on technical papers found in Nikola Tesla’s apartment after his death. They jumped through a field of radiant energy into a tunnel, and when the tunnel closed, found themselves at their destination. The White House has officially denied that Obama ever went to Mars.

4. Håkan Nordkvist Met His Future Self

Image result for HÃ¥kan Nordkvist Met His Future Self On August 30, 2006, 36-year-old Håkan Nordkvist came home to find water pooling on his kitchen floor. Assuming it was a leak, he gathered his tools and crawled under the sink, but couldn’t reach the pipes. He explained what happened next: “I had to crawl inside the cabinet, and as I did so, I discovered that it just continued. So I kept on crawling further and further into the cabinet. In the end of the tunnel I saw a light, and when I got there, I realized I was in the future.” The year 2042, to be precise, which is where—or rather, when—Nordkvist met his 72-year-old self. To his surprise, future Nordkvist knew things that only he could know, like where he’d hidden his secret things in the first grade. The two selves even had the same tattoo, though future Nordkvist’s was a little faded. The men posed for a selfie on the younger Nordkvist’s phone. The photo, which was the only one Nordkvist apparently thought to take in 2042, showed that Nordkvist had some physical changes to look forward to—including, notably, growing a couple of inches over the next 36 years. Here is the link of the clip which he captured with his future self https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fTawcY4iQ0

5. Andrew Carlssin

Related image On March 19, 2003, Yahoo! News reported the arrest of one Andrew Carlssin by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for insider trading. Andrew Carlssin had successfully traded 126 high-risk stocks, turning an investment of $800 into over $350 million in just two weeks—during a financial crisis when other investors were losing money. There was only one way that could have been possible: insider trading.Carlssin denied participating in insider trading. He reportedly claimed he was a time traveler from the the year 2256 but teleported himself back to 2003 to trade in stocks. He said everyone in the future knew about the stock market failure of 2003, and he only returned to see if he could make some quick cash. He never revealed the location of his time machine but promised to divulge certain information, including the location of Osama bin Laden and how to get the cure for AIDS, on the condition that the SEC left him alone. The SEC found Carlssin’s claims hilarious. Curiously, there was allegedly no prior record of Carlssin existing anywhere on Earth before December 2002. Carlssin was supposedly charged but mysteriously disappeared before appearing in court. No one has heard of him ever since. Maybe he returned to the future? Or perhaps, as many believe, the whole story was a hoax. References: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/fascinating-story-time-travel-scotland-12024127 https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/919501/I-went-Mars-littered-with-bodies-secret-space-program-Andrew-Basiago-MUFON https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/889889/US-developed-time-travel-Project-Pegasus-at-height-of-Cold-War-Abraham-Lincoln-Gettysburg Image source: Pinterest

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