How secured are you online ?
Sohrab VakhariaAug 02, 2017
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402 Reads
This question comes to our mind everytime we do any sort of transaction online.
We believe that we are safe as there are companies established to take care of our data. While banking we believe that banks take care of everything. We often believe that if anything goes wrong then we can contact customer support and will get solutions of our life.
Do you really think your are secured?
I don't get this statement " staying safe online" . Let me tell you some industrial facts. Now there are security professionals and organisations, giving information security solutions to the companies. When a chief information security officer or a certified information security auditor issues a certificate to the company they conclude the amount of security using a percentage metric.
The maximum amount of security promised to any organisation is just 5%. Now well I am sure this will drive you crazy, like hell had fallen upon you.
But let me throw more light on it. When it is said that we are 95% insecure, that means there are 95% techniques available for exploiting the security measures. Agreed!! But who really knows these techniques? Do we know? No. I don't think so. As it is said "ignorance is bliss." Truly it is. Less than 2% people staying would know these exploits and hence we feel safe.
Amazing!! Isn't it ? ??
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