- The C# programming language was originally created by Microsoft in 1999. The development team was led by Anders Hejlsberg.
- The name "C sharp" was inspired by musical notation where a sharp indicates that the written note should be made a semitone higher in pitch.
- This is similar to the language name of C++ , where "++" indicates that a variable should be incremented by 1.
Who was Anders Hejlsberg ?
- Anders Hejlsberg was a programmer in Microsoft corporation.
- Studied engineering at the Technical University of Denmark, but did not graduate.
- Anders Hejlsberg, a primary architect of Borland's Turbo Pascal and Delphi systems. Moving to Microsoft in 1996.
- With C # he focus on taking what was right about existing languages and adding improvements to make something better.
Characteristics C #?
- Simple
- Modern
- Object Oriented Language
- Powerful & flexible
- Language of few words
- Versionable
- Part of .Net Framework
C# is used for variety of application that are supported by the .Net platforms, such as
- It is used for developing Console applications, Windows applications and Web application.
- It is used for developing Windows controls.
- It is used for developing ASP.NET projects.
- It is used for developing web controls.
- It is used for providing web services.
- It is used for developing .NET component library.
Major Highlights of C#
- It is the First Compound Oriented Programming(COP) Language.
- It Simplifies & modernizes the C++.
- It is the only COP language available today.
- It is the only language designed for the .Net frame work.